People Like Us Don’t Have People, We Are the People that People Have

Stefon Napier
Dec 6, 2023


Maybe we are training to be angels and when we die we’ll become eyeballs and feather wings and be sent to a far off galaxy and some far off planet where people are really not our people but like the people who aren’t our people they need someone who isn’t their people to tell them to love the people who aren’t their people and so in keeping up with this task we, the people who don’t have people, find that not having people isn’t so bad and there was one that came before us that didn’t have people but invited people to have him and so we must carry on giving ourselves away so that we can discover that there is more to ourselves that we realized like fish ans bread being served on a mountain.



Stefon Napier

Stefon Napier is a unknown poet specializing in short prose form. He occasionally writes about American Christianity and is a growing follower of Jesus.